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Retro Game Tips For
"Slender: The Arrival"
(Xbox 360)

Retro Game Tips for Slender: The Arrival (Xbox 360)
Achievement: Unlocks 'Cry Baby' Achievement.
During the game.
1. Begin the prologue. Make your way to the house. Once there: find the flashlight, find the key, collect the page from the desk in Kate's room.

2.Once you hear the scream, you can exit the property through the gate that opens in the back yard (Note: you may pick up the Scrapbook Items in and around the house if you wish).

3. Follow the path. Keep an eye out for a small house that looks burnt (It should be somewhere along the trail). Once inside, explore until you see a small figure standing in the corner/against the wall, crying.

4. Approach the figure, and an image will flash on the screen. Your character will jump backwards, and the figure will have disappeared.

5. Quit to the main menu, and repeat steps 1-4 two more times.
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Achievement: Unlocks 'Get Me Out of Here!' Achievement.
During the game.
When inside the secret "level" from the prologue, you cannot pause the game. When you press Start, static will flash on the screen. This is considered a 'failed pause attempt'. Press Start ten times in the secret "level", and you should receive the 'Get Me Out of Here!' Achievement.
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Achievement: Unlocks 'Why Am I Playing This Game?' Achievement.
During the game.
When inside the secret "level" from the prologue, you cannot pause the game. When you press Start, static will flash on the screen. This is considered a 'failed pause attempt'. Press Start fifty times in the secret "level", and you should receive the 'Why Am I Playing This Game?' Achievement.
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