GetDotted Domains

Retro Game Tips For
"Alien vs Predator"

This game is also available on PC and Jaguar.

Retro Game Tips for Alien vs Predator (SNES)
Achievement: Rhynth meat doesn't add to your maximum health
Using game genie device
Type this:C282-6FDF
Submitted By:
Achievement: Rhynth meat adds 4x as much to current health
Using game genie device
Type this:4D82-67DF
Submitted By:
Achievement: Light laser can be fired instantly
Using game genie device
Type this:DFB1-A4D7
Submitted By:
Achievement: Medium laser is fired above 3rd line instead of 2nd
Using game genie device
Type this:F6B1-A707
Submitted By:
Achievement: Medium laser can be fired above 1st line
Using game genie device
Type this:D9B5-ADD7
Submitted By:

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