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Retro Game Tips For
"Tomb Raider: Legend"
(PlayStation 2)

This game is also available on Xbox 360, Xbox, PSP, PC, GBA, GameCube and DS.

Retro Game Tips for Tomb Raider: Legend (PlayStation 2)
Achievement: Grapple at Croft Manor
When at Croft Manor
Walk to were the man surrounded by computers sits. You'll see a laptop sitting on the floor. Walk over to it and press triangle. This will open up a vault on the wall and reveal the grapple.
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Achievement: Binoculars
At Croft Manor
You must get the grapple before you attempt to get this. The fish statue at the pool that pulls out far from the wall has to be pulled all the way out. Then go to the left of it and pull the spear out of the wall with the grapple. Get up to where the two statues are with the spear pics on the floor. Stand looking at the statues, and go to the right and jump off the ledge and swing on the spear. When you jump off, press X. This will deploy your grapple to the ball above you. Once you swing and jump on the next spear and onto the ledge, go to the middle where the horse statue is. You'll see the green glow off it.
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Achievement: Secret tunnel
Croft Manor
Try shooting at the man in the library a couple times. Then, walk into the secret passage up the stairs. The door will open under where you knocked the book cart of the ledge. There are some awards in there and also a secret message revealing the location of another message.
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Achievement: Secret Messages
Croft Manor
Walk up to the faces sticking out of the wall with their tongues hanging out. Press Triangle and it will reveal their secret message.
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Achievement: Secret Message at pool
Croft Manor
Turn both statues away from each other after unlocking the secret passage. It will give you a sequence of colors that you will enter at the library.
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