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Retro Game Tips For
"The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim"
(PC Games)

This game is also available on Xbox 360, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Retro Game Tips for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC Games)
Achievement: Set your stats to x of stat code
Console Menu Functions
player.setav stat_type x (See stat type codes below)
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Achievement: Making Fortify Restoration Potions for the Fortify Alchemy/Enchanting/Smithing Loop for GOD MODE!
This is an In-Game Exploit.
Several Perk Trees, Enchantments, Items, and Steps are needed. Also needed is the General Level at AT LEAST 30 and the Race at Argonian (for the Waterbreathing Racial Power).

Perk Trees (NO LEGENDARY NEEDED!) Needed:
Alchemy at LVL30 with the Perks: Alchemist RANK 1; Physician; Benefactor;
Enchanting, Smithing, Heavy Armor, and Light Armor (ALL FILLED!) at LVL100.

Best Enchantments (and Best Items for Enchantments) Needed:
Stalhrim Helmet: Fortify Magicka&Fortify Magicka Regeneration;
Gold Diamond Necklace: Fortify Chaos Resistance&Fortify Magicka Resistance;
Stalhrim Armor: Fortify Health&Fortify Healing Rate;
Stalhrim Gaunlets: Fortify Stamina&Fortify Stamina Regeneration;
Stalhrim Shield: Fortify Disease Resistance&Fortify Poison Resistance;
Gold Diamond Ring; Fortify Lockpicking&Fortify Pickpocket;
Stalhrim Sword: Chaos Damage&Soul Trap;
Stalhrim Boots: Fortify Carry Weight&Fortify Sneak.

Any Enchantable Head Piece AND Hands Piece And Necklace AND Ring; All of these MUST have the Highest Fortify Alchemy&Fortify Smithing Enchantment Percentages (BOUGHT OR MADE!).

Other Items (Alchemical Ingredients - Smithing Materials) with Amounts:
Al. In.:
For Fortify Restoration Potions: Abcean Longfin (5), Cyrodilic Spadetail (5), Spriggan Sap (5), Salt Pile (15);
For Fortify Enchanting Potions: Blue Butterflywing (4), Hagraven Claw (4), Snowberries (8);
For Fortify Smithing Potions: Glowing Mushroom (3), Sabrecat Tooth (3), Hagraven Claw (2), Blisterwart (8);
For Smithing Materials and Amounts: ~30 Stalhrim, ~15 Leather, ~30 Leather Strips, ~30
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